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FM947 2018 Stampede Fun 吃喝玩樂牛仔節

2018-06-30 (星期六)

2018-06-30 (星期六)

Calgary Stampede 牛仔節,一個最有代表性的節目,無論對卡加利市民或是旅客來講,這十天絕對是一個值得期待的開心日子。本台特別在牛仔節期間﹙7月9日至13日早上9︰30 ﹚送上特輯「吃.喝.玩.樂.牛仔節」 ,兩位充滿陽光男孩Kenny & Robin將為你細心搜羅更多資訊,把這個最有氣氛的佳節送到你耳邊!另外,密切留意網站及Facebook 送上2018牛仔節「型男型女」「食破天驚」「玩轉天地」「新奇趣味」「文化氣質」相片集,為今年牛仔節加添色彩!

Every summer, there's nothing that can compete with the excitement of our biggest western celebration – the Calgary Stampede! Also along with the outrageous eats that comes with it. During the event, we are pround to present you a special Calgary Stampede Fun segment. Kenny and Robin will digging everything about 2018 Stampede's "Eat, Drink, Play, and Fun" for you. Stay tuned to Fairchild Radio FM 94.7 on July 7-11 9:30am for the 2018 Stampede special segment ! More posts and photos will be launch on our website and Facebook.

FM947 2018 Stampede Fun  吃喝玩樂牛仔節

加拿大中文電台特備節目《吃喝玩樂牛仔節》 由以下商户聯合贊助:+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Summit Windows Fashion 新美窗飾
東興海鮮美食  Yum Yum 越南粉

Photo Credit: Wendy Lo, Terry Chan