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947 加拿大模擬入籍考試

2024-07-04 (星期四)

2024-07-04 (星期四)

每個永久居民 5 年內在加拿大住滿 3 年都有機會入籍加拿大。加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 為大家準備了以下20條有關加拿大的問題,只要你答中 75% (15題) 就代表你成功可以申請入籍,成為加拿大國民。事不宜遲,馬上開始!

Every permanent resident who has lived in Canada for 3 years within 5 years has the opportunity to be a citizen in Canada. Fairchild FM94.7 has prepared the following 20 questions about Canada for everyone. As long as you answer 75% (15 questions) correctly, it means that you can successfully apply for citizenship. Let’s get started!