「全民造星 V」報名表格 King Maker 5 Application Form
ViuTV 的王牌選秀節目兼真人騷《全民造星》一向引人熱討,天團 MIRROR 和女團 COLLAR 都是因此節目而誕生,聲勢一時無兩。MakerVille 和 ViuTV 已開始籌備《全民造星 V》,除香港外,今年首次招募海外參賽者,9 月份的面試分別於加拿大的溫哥華和馬來西亞的吉隆坡進行,而 MIRROR 的 Lokman 和 Anson Kong 亦會親臨溫哥華選拔人材。
作為《全民造星 V》北美合作夥伴,加拿大中文電台特別找來姜濤 @ MIRROR、保錡 @ ERROR、唱作歌手張敬軒和岑寧兒向所有抱有夢想的年青人呼籲,希望他們能夠把握這次《全民造星 V》北美招募的機會,到多姿多采的香港娛樂圈追夢!
King Maker V North America Recruitment is your best opportunity to enter Hong Kong entertainment industry. Winner of King Maker I Keung To, aka member of Hong Kong Boy Group MIRROR, as well as Poki Ng from another Hong Kong Boy Group ERROR, Hong Kong award-winning artists Hins Cheung & Yoyo Sham encourge you to chase your dream in King Maker V. Click here to apply and get more information about the King Maker V North America Recruitment. Application deadline: August 11, 2022.