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2018-07-09 (星期一)

2018-07-09 (星期一)

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. 

2018 世界盃冠軍是法國。The Champion of 2018 World Cup is France.
得獎者 Winner: Andy Tong 403-283-XXXX 及 Victoria Lenug 403-798-XXXX


經過廿多天的比賽,4 強終於誕生,法國、比利時、英格蘭和克羅地亞將於7月10日起再施展魔力上演帽子戲法,爭奪足球賽的最高殊榮。猜猜誰是冠軍,並可參加抽獎贏取加拿大中文電台限量版電腦配件禮盒。

Guess who is the winner and get a chance to win a Fairchild Radio's Limited Edition Computer accessories gift set!



得獎人數 Number of winner: 2
遊戲截止日期 Game Deadline: July 13, 2018 (11:59pm @ PST)
答案將於 7 月 16 日公佈。Answer will be announced on July 16. 
得獎者將獲個別通知領獎詳情,而得獎名單將由 7月16日起在本台網站及FB Post刊出。

Winner will be notified individually and arrange prize redemption details.. You are also welcome to check our website and FB post starting July 16.
