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FM947 DJ「開咪」小秘密配對正確答案揭曉

2018-05-16 (星期三)

2018-05-16 (星期三)


恭喜三位得獎者Pei Situ,Alex Wong,Cherry Cheung成功贏取《STAR WARS:THE LAST JEDI》 BLU-RAY + DVD Digital 套裝一套!得奬者將會個別通以電郵通知領獎方法!

Congratulations Pei Situ, Alex Wong and Cherry Cheung, the winners of prize a《STAR WARS:THE LAST JEDI》 BLU-RAY + DVD Digital set in our "DJ Little Secret" matching online game! Winners will be notified by email with instructions on how to claim their prizes. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this contest a success! Stay tuned for our next contest !

FM947 DJ「開咪」小秘密配對正確答案揭曉

FM947 DJ「開咪」小秘密配對正確答案揭曉