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Movie 請你看好戲 《Mile 22》
2018-08-10 (星期五)
2018-08-10 (星期五)
加拿大中文電台送出《Mile 22》 (級別14A*) 一套雙人入場券。門票在電影公映期間均可使用。留意FM947節目了解更多遊戲詳情
Listen to FM947 for your chance to WIN run-of-engagement double pass to see《Mile 22》(Rated 14A*) in theatres!
*電影列為級別14A - 內容涉及暴力及不雅用語,14歲以下觀眾須要成人陪同觀看。
* Movie rated 14A - frequent violence; coarse language, persons under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
遊戲日期 Game Period: August 10-16
遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 403-717-1947
Mile 22
In a visceral modern thriller from the director of Lone Survivor, Mark Wahlberg stars as James Silva, an operative of the CIA's most highly-prized and least-understood unit. Aided by a top-secret tactical command team, Silva must retrieve and transport an asset who holds life-threatening information to Mile 22 for extraction before the enemy closes in.
Now playing in theatres.
Official website :
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