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亞省政府訊息 - 免費履歷評估服務
2019-07-25 (星期四)
2019-07-25 (星期四)
亞伯達支持中心 (Alberta Supports) 提供免費履歷評估服務。 他們會和您一起評估履歷,以確保它適合您的求職需求。
如需電話諮詢服務,請撥打以下號碼,並在相關語音提示後選擇 "履歷服務等待" (Resumé Queue):
免費電話:1 - 800 - 661 - 3753
愛民頓:780 - 422 - 4266
查詢 Alberta Supports 提供的完整資源列表,請登錄:
You have the skills and experience - but you still haven’t gotten an interview. Could your resumé use an upgrade?
Alberta Supports offers free resumé reviews. They’ll go over your draft resumé with you to make sure it fits your job search.
For advice over the phone, call one of these numbers and choose Resumé Queue at the prompt:
Toll free: 1-800-661-3753
In Edmonton: 780-422-4266
For in-person advice, contact your closest Alberta Supports Centre and ask for more info about free workshops available in your area:
See the full list of resources Alberta Supports offers at
2019-07-25亞省政府訊息 - 免費履歷評估服務
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