你在聯邦大選最關心的議題是甚麼? What is the issue you care about most in the federal election? 截止日期 Deadline: April 18, 2025 11:59pm 民調結果將於 4 月 23 日 (星期三) 於 FM947 新聞時段及時事節目內公佈。The poll results will be announced on April 23 (Wednesday) during the news segments and current affairs programs on FM947.
民生 Standard of Living
經濟 Economy
醫療 Healthcare
公共安全 Public Safety
國防 National Defense
移民 Immigration
稅務 Taxation
交通 Transportation
就業 Employment
外交 Foreign Affairs
天然資源 Natural Resources
以上都不是 / 其他 None of the Above / Other
I have read the privacy statements.
#109, 2723 37-Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 5R8Information: 403.717.1940Program Phone-in: 403.717.1947 (FM947)