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簡單易做新派月餅 last minute 也夠時間!

2016-09-15 (星期四)

2016-09-15 (星期四)



Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most celebrated festivals in the Chinese traditions, since it is the perfect time to be with family and friends. The most essential and well-known food to be eaten on Mid-Autumn Festival is mooncake for it symbolizes unity in its round shape.

Through the years mooncake flavours have evolved drastically, especially now everyone is keen on a healthy lifestyle, traditional mooncakes have changed to accommodate consumers with more favorable flavour profiles, chocolate, purple yam or matcha red bean just to name a few. On this special occasion, we would like to recommend two new-style and easy-to-make mooncakes for you to try at home! 




冰皮月餅亦有一些忠實粉絲,今次介紹新口味包括流心藍莓芝士、流心朱古力紅豆綠茶黑芝麻等,做法不算太難但味道非常新潮。若家中沒有做月餅的倒模怎麼辦?小編建議用做曲奇餅的餅模或 waffle 模也可!