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Election 2017 卡加利市選特備節目

2017-09-27 (星期三)

2017-09-27 (星期三)

Election 2017 卡加利市選特備節目

卡加利市選舉行在即,加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 新聞及公共事務部在這個關鍵時刻特別製作一系列特備節目,闡釋各候選人的政綱及爭持的熱門議題,與你緊貼本屆市選最新動態。

The 2017 Calgary Municipal Election will take place on October 16. Have you decided who would you vote for?  Fairchild Radio FM94.7 has tailor made a series of news specials featuring the competing mayor and councillor candidates as well as the social issues and political topics that might affect the result of this year's election. Be sure to stay tuned to FM94.7 for the latest election news.


『時事對對碰 之 市選多面體』
10/2 - 10/7 (星期一至五) 中午 12pm - 12:30pm


Election 2017 卡加利市選特備節目

10/9 - 10/13 (星期一至五) 早上 9:15am 及 晚上 10:20pm


Election 2017 卡加利市選特備節目

10/16 (星期一) 晚上 10:20pm - 11pm
