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聯合首播 李榮浩 – 戒菸

2017-11-12 (星期日)

2017-11-12 (星期日)

繼[后羿](“王者榮耀后羿英雄主打歌)後,第8首新歌[戒菸]在新專輯發片前搶先登場,這是一首標準李榮浩式的情歌,也是借用[戒菸]二個字,這個日常生活中一般人很想戒掉卻又很難做到的事,來影射現代城市中某些人的感情觀!若想聽到李榮浩的最新單曲,11.13 就要鎖定加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 全線節目 

Quit Smoking
Definitely a Li Ronghao’s style of love songs, Li’s try to use “Quit Smoking” to interpret nowadays person would like to stop smoking but always easier said than done to reflect the feelings of people in today society ! Fairchild Radio is excited to premiere the song on FM94.7 tomorrow.

聯合首播  李榮浩 – 戒菸