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FM94.7 聘請「兼職早晨新聞撰稿及報導員」
2015-05-04 (星期一)
2015-05-04 (星期一)
加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 聘請「兼職早晨新聞撰稿及報導員」
中英文良好、需略懂新聞稿書寫及電腦操作,能操流利廣東話,有意者請將履歷及個人資料盡快電郵至 人事部收。
Part-time News anchor (Cantonese Division)
Duties and responsibilities of this position:
1. Write, translate and edit news copies
2. Read news on air (Cantonese)
3. Other duties as required by supervisor
Qualifications Required and/or Preferred:
1. Fluent in oral and written Chinese (Cantonese) and English
2. Flexible working hours
3. Preferably have some experience in communications, and news or broadcasting field.
We thank all applicants for their interest, but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Email to:
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2015-05-27DJ 明信片 iPostcard 之 旅遊『俊』簿 (2)
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2015-05-22DJ 明信片 iPostcard 之 旅遊『俊』簿 (1)
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2015-05-20Music 全球首播 - 任賢齊 《外婆的澎湖灣》
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2015-05-115月份睇戲天 FM94.7 個個星期送戲票
2015-05-06Music 全球首播 - 品冠 《一個人不一定就不快樂》
2015-05-04《C123之歌手藝人逐個捉》 迪子專訪