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粉紅罐力量:關注乳癌月 2015

2015-10-01 (星期四)

2015-10-01 (星期四)

加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 為響應 2015 國際乳癌月,鼓勵聽眾發揮創意,透過繪畫/文字表達對乳癌病患者的關懷。

聽眾可將作品先畫在粉紅紙,貼在罐頭上,或只提交繪畫作品,並於1016日(星期五)前將作品遞交至加拿大中文電台FM947  (#109, 2723 - 37 Ave NE) 。本台收集罐頭後將送到本地食物銀行,回饋社區。詳情請到本台網站或致電 (403)717-1940查詢。

形式: 請將作品畫在粉紅色紙上 ( 4 x 8.5) 創作形式不限。

 Pink Can Fight - Fairchild Radio Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2015

Fairchild Radio FM947 encourages audience to express creativity and support by providing drawings / wordings on a piece of pink paper for Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign 2015. Audience may donate and wrap canned food with artwork, or simply bring the artwork to Fairchild Radio FM94.7 (#109, 2723 – 37 Ave NE, Calgary) no later than October 16 (Friday). Collected canned food will be donated to local foodbank as a support to the community. For more information, please visit our website or call (403)717-1940.

Format: Draw your art on a piece of pink paper (size approximately 4” to 8.5”), any art forms are welcome.
