Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
2015-10-30 (星期五)
2015-10-30 (星期五)
加拿大中文電台送出《OUR BRAND IS CRISIS》的電影入場券!由11月3日起,留意本台全線直播節目,打來熱線 403-717-1947 與DJ玩遊戲或交談,你就有機會贏得一套兩張的《OUR BRAND IS CRISIS》電影門券。
Starting on November 3, listen to all of our live programs of FM94.7 and call us at 403-717-1947 to play games or chat with us, then you will have a chance to win yourself a set of two admissions to see the new movie《OUR BRAND IS CRISIS》!
【危機女王】由大衛高登格林執導,【亞果出任務】的製作團隊與喬治克隆尼監製,故事敘述一名玻利維亞總統候選人在民調中敬陪末座,在近乎絕望的情況下,砸下重金找來美國菁英的競選公關團隊,為了能夠起死回生,這個團隊大膽地找到原本已經打算退休的策略高手珍柏汀(珊卓布拉克 飾)坐鎮指揮,在此之前,她曾經因為一場醜聞而一敗塗地,甚至萌生退隱的念頭。而如今,她再度振作,視這個玻利維亞的總統大選為東山再起的大好機會,但是擋在她面前的,竟然是好幾次擊敗她的事業宿敵:派特坎迪 (比利鮑伯松頓 飾),他也從美國來到這個異鄉。珍要如何行銷危機並創造奇蹟,逆轉自己與候選人的困境,重新創造事業的巔峰?
Academy Award winners Sandra Bullock (“The Blind Side”) and Billy Bob Thornton (“Sling Blade”) star in the satirical comedy “Our Brand is Crisis,” from director David Gordon Green (“Pineapple Express,” “George Washington”) and producers Grant Heslov and George Clooney, the Oscar-winning producers of “Argo.”
A Bolivian presidential candidate failing badly in the polls enlists the firepower of an elite American management team, led by the deeply damaged but still brilliant strategist “Calamity” Jane Bodine (Bullock). In self-imposed retirement following a scandal that earned her nickname and rocked her to her core, Jane is coaxed back into the game for the chance to beat her professional nemesis, the loathsome Pat Candy (Thornton), now coaching the opposition.
But as Candy zeroes in on every vulnerability – both on and off the campaign trail – Jane is plunged into a personal crisis as intense as the one her team exploits nationally to boost their numbers. “Our Brand is Crisis” reveals the cynical machinations and private battles of world-class political consultants for whom nothing is sacred and winning is all that matters.
2015-10-30Movie 請你看好戲《OUR BRAND IS CRISIS》
2015-10-30DJ 明信片 iPostcard 之 「Rita東京自由行」(1)
2015-10-27Music 聯合首播 - 派偉俊《保護你》
2015-10-26Music 全球首播 - 蔡健雅 《異類的同類》
2015-10-23Pink Day 齊集支持 Pink Can Fight!
2015-10-22Movie 請你看好戲《STEVE JOBS》
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2015-10-13Music 全球首播 - 林俊傑《只要有你的地方》
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2015-10-12Movie 請你看好戲《JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS》
2015-10-09Movie 請你看好戲《PAN》
2015-10-07Music 全球首播 - 林宥嘉《如果我變成一首歌》
2015-10-06Movie 請你看好戲 《CRIMSON PEAK》
2015-10-01 粉紅罐力量:關注乳癌月 2015