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We Stand With Paris 發揮創意為巴黎加油 (1)

2015-11-19 (星期四)

2015-11-19 (星期四)

自上星期五法國巴黎連環恐襲發生以來,世人無分種族國籍都覺得既震驚又悲憤,複雜心情難以言諭。就在此時一位法國籍設計師 Jean Julien,拿起畫掃在白紙上寥寥數筆,便將最純粹的心意呈現出來。這位現年 32 歲,在倫敦開設計公司的 Jean,他的概念簡單不過,就是將和平的符號和巴黎鐵塔合而為一,代表 Peace for Paris。設計一經上載至 instagram 和 twitter,立即在網上瘋傳, 現在已被公認為支持巴黎的徽號,亦是世人對和平的期盼。一連兩天,我們為大家帶來一些別具創意兼能感動人心的設計,以我們微小的力量,齊齊為巴黎加油。

French graphic designer Jean Julien's image of "Peace for Paris" (the combination of the peace icon and the Eiffel Tower), has spread across the world, as people have adopted it to show support for the French people.  Today and tomorrow, we will feature an array of graphic designs that are meant to support France and Paris in their darkest hour in recent history.

jean jullien (independent.co.uk)

jean jullien (independent.co.uk)
les cartons (cosmopolitan.com)

les cartons (cosmopolitan.com)

la petit prince officiel (artnetnews.com)

la petit prince officiel (artnetnews.com)
rabii rammal (cosmopolitan.com)

rabii rammal (cosmopolitan.com)

huskmitnavn1 (art-sheep.com)

huskmitnavn1 (art-sheep.com)
andra saraiva (artnetnews.com)

andra saraiva (artnetnews.com)

carlos latuff (art-sheep.com)

carlos latuff (art-sheep.com)
Vrgola (popsugar.com)

Vrgola (popsugar.com)

patricia ahilman (wordpress.com)

patricia ahilman (wordpress.com)
cari (cosmopolitan.com)

cari (cosmopolitan.com)

just another fan (twitter.com)

just another fan (twitter.com)
arnold schwarzenegger (buzzfeed.com)

arnold schwarzenegger (buzzfeed.com)

kelly c (independent.co.uk)

kelly c (independent.co.uk)
sophia vander velde (instagram.com)

sophia vander velde (instagram.com)

Coming up tomorrow:為巴黎加油,更多精彩設計將在明天上傳,敬請期待。