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We Stand With Paris 發揮創意為巴黎加油 (2)

2015-11-20 (星期五)

2015-11-20 (星期五)

昨天刊出多幅「為巴黎加油」的創意設計,令人讚嘆,原來有時候,a picture is worth a thousand words,尤其涉及人類最原始的感情,例如喜怒哀樂,例如生離死別,圖畫可能比文字更優勝,因為它更直接,而且沒有言語隔閡。今天我們搜羅了更多精彩的設計與你分享。

According to Jean Julien, the French designer whose "Peace to Paris" symbol has gone viral since last Friday's terrorist attacks, the social role of art is a powerful one. "Graphic arts is a means of expression beyond words. Words can sometimes be difficult to translate.  I think the simpler, the better, the more universally understood it can be," said Jean Julien.  How true is that. Today we have gathered more creative arts that carry an unifying message: let there be peace for Paris.

jaume capdevilla (artnetnews.com)

jaume capdevilla (artnetnews.com)

antho draw (buzzfeed.com)

antho draw (buzzfeed.com)
joanna wirazka (popsugar.com)

joanna wirazka (popsugar.com)

carlos latuff (art-sheep.com)

carlos latuff (art-sheep.com)
thinking of katy (twitter.com)

thinking of katy (twitter.com)

jeffrey koterba (popsugar.com)

jeffrey koterba (popsugar.com)
nik (cosmopolitan.com)

nik (cosmopolitan.com)

greek girl 102 (tumblr.com)

greek girl 102 (tumblr.com)
shear craft (twitter.com)

shear craft (twitter.com)

asadziar (tumblr.com)

asadziar (tumblr.com)
flower_hell_goddess (colorslive.com)

flower_hell_goddess (colorslive.com)

Mathilde Adorno (twitter.com)

Mathilde Adorno (twitter.com)