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2021 年卡加利市政選舉 - 市長候選人專題問答書面回覆
2021-10-07 (星期四)
2021-10-07 (星期四)
卡加利市政選舉臨近,為及讓選民更為了解各個市長候選人的執政承諾及理念,加拿大中心電台 FM94.7 新聞部較早前邀請 27 位市長候選人參與專題問答,超過一半候選人以書面回覆。經過修緝和翻譯,選民可以在以下閱覽回覆概要。
Calgary voters are casting their ballots on October 18, 2021. This municipal election has 27 mayoral candidates and 100 counsillor candidates, as well as school board trustees. In order to provide a better understanding on the mayoral candidates' perspective on taxes, systemic racism, revitalizing the economy and counsillor conduct, Fairchild Radio FM94.7 has reached out to all Calgary mayoral candidates earlier and asked them to share their views and platforms.
We received over half of the candidates' written responses and summarized all the material in point-form format along with Traditional Chinese translations, all published onto FM94.7 Facebook page. Click on the candidates' names, or the page number next to their name for detailed summary.
已回覆的候選人包括(以英文名字排名)All responded candidates below:
Adam Roberts (pg. 1 // 2) | Brad Field (pg. 1 // 2 // 3) | Cory Lanterman (pg. 1 // 2) | Dean Hopkins |
Emily Gabriel (pg. 1 // 2) | Jan Damery (pg. 1 // 2) | Jeff Davison (pg. 1 // 2) | Jeromy Farkas (pg. 1 // 2) |
Jyoti Gondek | Mizanur Rahman | Paul Michael Hallelujah | Shaoli Wang |
Teddy Ogbonna | Virginia Stone | Zaheed Ali Khan |
Other election-related information 其他市政府選舉資訊
2021 年卡加利市政選舉公民投票問題 - 重新在食水中加入氟化物 | 省政府公民投票問題 |
市政選舉 2021 須知 - 選票概覽,公投問題及樣本 | 市政選舉 2021 須知 - 預先投票日期,票站和須攜帶證明文件 |
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