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We Were Here《我們曾經在這裡》

2023-02-16 (星期四)

2023-02-16 (星期四)

Heritage Park主辦的We Were Here《我們曾經在這裡》展覽,通過五個憶述的故事作為切入點,講述華人移民多元化的經歷與他們在本省所建立的社區,這個展覽探討早期和當代華裔加拿大人尋找歸屬感的經歷。

該展覽目前在Heritage ParkGasoline Alley Museum內舉辦,展覽從早上10點至下午4點,逢星期二到星期日,直到4月30日截止。展覽內容包括社會各界有心人士捐贈的歷史文物、 圖片和音頻,描述不同時代的華裔加拿大人的日常生活。這個展覽別出心裁的一點是邀請加拿大中文電台為五個故事配上廣東話及國語錄音,讓參觀者可以用自己熟悉的語言探索加拿大華人文化遺產。

We Were Here, a brand-new exhibit organized by Heritage Park, five stories from early Chinatown! Discover stories written by members of the Chinese community and explore the impact of Calgary’s Chinatown. It includes historical artifacts by donated, pictures, and audio clips.

One of the unique features of the exhibition is that Fairchild Radio FM94.7 was invited to record the five stories with Cantonese and Mandarin, let visitors explore the cultural heritage of Chinese Canadians in familiar languages. This exhibit will call Gasoline Alley Museum until April 30,2023 from 10am - 4pm, Thu-Sun. Don’t miss out.



Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

故事一 《他的禮物》,憶述自Dale Lee Kwong 
His Gift by Dale Lee Kwong

故事背景:這個虛構故事是來自華人移民Jimmy Smith的生平。Jimmy Smith在1890年死於肺結核,他在去世前就訂立遺囑,表示向本地醫院捐贈一筆巨款。這筆資金幫助卡加利建立了第二家綜合醫院,地址位於632 13Ave,即現時的Rundle RuinsJimmy Smith被安葬於聯合公墓 Union Cemetery,與卡加利早期開發者及其他知名人士合葬。

Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

故事二  《火車車廂》,憶述自Jessica Szeto
Train Car by Jessica Szeto

故事背景: 徐·戴Tuey Tai是第一位女性定居卡加利,她的兒子更是在卡加利出生的第一名華人嬰兒。她的丈夫路易· 姜Louie Kheong於1894年抵達卡加利,是本市的第一位華商。在1890年代,Louie的店舖後面成立「華人同鄉會。他是發起第三個唐人街建設的商人之一,也就是現今的唐人街。1939年,在他的葬禮上,600多人參加悼念,送葬隊伍長達四個街口。

Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

故事三 《從廣州到卡加利》憶述自Lexie Angelo
From Canton to Calgary by Lexie Angelo

故事背景:何榮禧George Ho Lem  是卡加利華商,也是唐人街發展基金會和卡加利多元文化協會創辦人和主席,對卡加利唐人街的發展影響深遠。 他在1901年抵達溫哥華,後來被華人教會所開設的免費英文課程吸引來到卡加利。何榮禧成功發展其生意,涉及洗衣店和羊毛針織廠,並於1911年的第三條唐人街,也就是現今的唐人街,興建了Ho  Lem  Block崇義樓。

Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

故事四:《疫症》憶述自 Angelica Ng
The Disease by Angelica Ng

故事背景:亞省歷來最嚴重的反華事件是發生在第一個唐人街, 1892 年的天花疫症騷亂。一位華人居民在溫哥華感染了天花,回到卡加利後就病倒了,有9名卡加利當地人遭受人感染。在連續發生幾宗與天花有關的死亡事件後,多達三百名男性襲擊當地華人洗衣店,企圖驅趕華人出城,造成兩人受傷及店舖嚴重受損。最終,西北騎警介入,阻止進一步的騷亂。

Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

故事五:《乾澀 》憶述自 Mormei Zanke
Dry by Mormei Zanke

故事背景:1885 年鐵路建成後,華人移民被允許從事的工作為數不多,其中之一是洗衣店,作為一門啟動資金不高的生意,華人洗衣店很快遍佈卡加利的大街小巷。1910 年,亨德森名錄Henderson's  directory就列出23間洗衣店,其中至少有19間似乎是華人經營擁有的。直到1947年,卡加利的所有洗衣店都關門了。

Illustration by Jarett Sitter
Presentation by Fairchild Radio FM94.7聲音演繹自加拿大中文電台FM94.7
This exhibit's original content is from Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site.

We Were Here《我們曾經在這裡》

除了以上展覽,Heritage Park在3月6日發起Secrets of Chinatown的籌款晚宴,邀請社會各界參與一個有意義的聚會。通過美食、表演、唐人街故事分享以及表彰卡加利華人為社區所作的貢獻,共同為Heritage Park籌集資金,從而尋找發掘更多關於華人歷史故事。

Secrets of Chinatown,

Sharing Stories about Calgary Chinatown Fundraiser

Heritage Park invites you to join an evening of gourmet food and entertainment that celebrate the history of Calgary Chinatown and the contributions the Chinese community has had in creating the vibrant community Calgary is today. Help raise funds for Heritage Park to tell more Chinese heritage stories at the Park.

日期 Date:三月六日 March 6, 2023, 6-10pm

地點 Location: Gasoline Alley Museum at Heritage Park

價格 Price:每人 $95+GST,Private Table: $760+GST (8位)
