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《創業擂台》總決賽圓滿結束 獎項得主順利誕生

2016-11-26 (星期六)

2016-11-26 (星期六)

加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 主辦之《創業擂台》總決賽已於今天下午圓滿結束。經過四小時的激烈比賽後,各獎項得主亦已順利誕生。

Startup Pitch Business Competition 2016's finale round was successfully hosted by Fairchild Radio Calgary FM94.7 on Saturday, November 26. Out of the eight final competing teams, two of which outbeat the rest with outstanding presentations and business ideas that wowed the judges and audiences. FaceLogic Inc. received Best Business Startup Award of $10,000 CAD cash prize with high-tech face recognition glasses, while Calgary GO Learning Center won the Innovative Entrepreneurial Award of $2,500 CAD cash prize with its creative and educational business model. More footages and photos will be available shortly on FM94.7 website and social media.

《創業擂台》總決賽圓滿結束 獎項得主順利誕生《創業擂台》總決賽圓滿結束 獎項得主順利誕生

[創業成就大獎] $10,000 FaceLogic Inc.
[最具創意大獎] $2,500 Calgary Go Learning Center
恭喜各得獎單位,並再次感謝各社會賢達、公司及啟航導師鼎力支持!更多花絮及相片請緊貼本台網站及 Facebook 專頁於下週初的報導。