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Blu-ray™ 請你看好戲 《DUMBO》

2019-07-08 (星期一)

2019-07-08 (星期一)

留意 7 月 FM94.7 電台節目, 贏取 DUMBO Blu-ray™ + Digital 套裝。

Listen to FM94.7 in July for your chance to win DUMBO Blu-ray™ + Digital combo.


Dumbo,” the grand live-action adventure from Disney and visionary director Tim Burton, which expanded on the beloved animated classic and sent spirits soaring, prepares for a landing on June 25. Disney invites fans to fall in love again with this heartfelt story, in which differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight, when it swoops into homes on Digital in HD and 4K Ultra HD™ and physically on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD — with never-before-seen bonus features, deleted scenes, Easter eggs and bloopers.

Available on Digital, 4K Ultra HD™, Blu-ray™ now.

Official website: movies.disney.com/dumbo-2019