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2016-08-01 (星期一)

2016-08-01 (星期一)

近日前內閣部長兼國會議員肯尼 Jason Kenney 宣佈競逐亞省保守黨黨領一職,並於較早前公佈組織聯合保守政黨的「五點方案」。上星期五,肯尼親身來到位於亞省卡加利的加拿大中文電台FM94.7接受專訪。專訪的詳細內容可在本台Youtube視頻直接收看

Recently the former Minister and Members of Parliament Mr. Jason Kenney announced to run for leadership in Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta, along with a "Five Point Plan". Last week, Mr. Kenney visited Fairchild Radio FM94.7 in Calgary and sat down with news reporter Shan Wong for an extensive interview to talk about the reason of running and his election campaign. For more details of the interview, please watch the video from FM947 Youtube channel below.
