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「創業擂台」第二階段 選出十六強爭入八強!

2016-10-14 (星期五)

2016-10-14 (星期五)

「創業擂台」現正進入第二階段,評審團忙著評核每份報告,並選出十六強參與10月29日下午2時「16強直播爭霸戰」。衡量任何初創企業是否成功,通常離不開三大核心:產品 (product),創辦人或團隊 (team) 及市場 (market)。



A week ago was the deadline for Startup Pitch Competition, and since then all judges have been busy evaluating all the submissions and executive summaries. 16 semi-finalists will soon be selected and contacted as they will need to prepare for the Live Radio Pitch at 2pm, on October 29, 2016 (Sat.) in front of a part of the judge panel at Fairchild Radio live studio. Stay tuned to FM94.7, listen live and cheer for your favourite entry on the semi-final round competition!

「創業擂台」第二階段 選出十六強爭入八強!
