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2016-10-24 (星期一)

2016-10-24 (星期一)

「挑戰不是一件簡單的事,但若不面對便沒有改變的可能」,經過評審團評核後經已選出 16 強進入10月29日下午2時「電台直播爭霸戰」。在此恭喜他們!時記得緊貼 947 直播節目,聽聽 16 組朋友如何爭取出線,成為最後 8 強參加11月26日的「創業擂台總決賽」

Startup Pitch Competition Live Radio Pitch at 2pm, on October 29, 2016 (Sat.) Stay tuned to FM94.7, listen live and cheer for your favourite entry on the semi-final round competition!

密切留意以下日期  Please keep in mind of the following dates:

「16強電台直播爭霸戰」Semi-Final: Radio Live Pitch

10 / 29 / 2016, 2pm @ Fairchild Radio FM94.7 live studio (#109 - 2723 37Ave N.E.)



11 / 26 / 2016, 11am @ Hilton Garden Inn, Vista Room

(2335 Pegasus Rd. N.E.)



大會將會為最後八強提供創業相關訓練及資源,包括得到法律,會計及創業的多方面資訊,有助參賽者踏出成功的第一步。最後八強會在11月26日(星期六)出席「創業擂台總决賽」爭奪總值 $ 12,500 的創業獎金!(贏取獎金後無須承諾任何生意投資)

16 semi-finalists will be selected for a Radio Live Pitch on October 29, 2016 (Saturday) to elaborate their ideas in front of part of the judge panel on a radio live show.

8 finalists will be invited to a training workshop to gain advices, well-needed skills and information from business and legal professionals to further develop their business plans.

The top 8 finalists will then be invited to do a final round of presentations on November 26, 2016 (Saturday), where they can interact directly with the full judge panel and win a grand total of $12,500 cash prizes. (There is no obligations for winning contestant(s) to invest or do any business startups after obtaining any cash prizes)


訪問重溫 Interview archives:

創業啟航導師專訪 - Linda Chan (撰寫 executive summary 的注意事項)

創業榮譽大獎贊助同評審專訪 - Paul Wong (「企業家之路」)




特別鳴謝以下社會賢達及公司鼎力支持創業榮譽大獎贊助及大會評審 A special thank you to the following platinum sponsors and judges: 

CLW會計師事務所 -  Alex Cheung 張偉賢會計師

Dr. Benjamin Wong (王智敏醫生)

Strathmore Homes Ltd. - Cindy Chan

Capital H2O Systems, Inc. - Paul Wong

Lee & Kong Law Firm - John Kong (鄺說道律師)



Rachel Yin (Calgary Economic Development)

Alex Cheung (CLW 會計師事務所)

Manford Kwan (U of C Team Hunter Mentorship)

Linda Chan (AddHalf Business Solutions)