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[網上遊戲] Movie 請你看好戲《FURIOUS 7》有獎問答遊戲送首映門票

2015-03-17 (星期二)

2015-03-17 (星期二)

Fast & Furious 的高速傳奇!加拿大中文電台送你《FURIOUS 7》的電影門票,想贏取首映門票的朋友可以參加以下遊戲。玩法非常簡單,您只需要:


此片為 FAST & FURIOUS 系列的第七部猛片,承接《FAST & FURIOUS 6》的故事發展,你還記得第六集的故事集中在哪個城巿嗎? 

The 7th installment of the FAST & FURIOUS series, 《FURIOUS 7》begins where《FAST & FURIOUS 6》ends. Do you remember in what city does the story of 《FAST & FURIOUS 6》takes place? 

A. 多倫多 Toronto

B. 倫敦  London 
C. 北京  Beijing

[網上遊戲] Movie 請你看好戲《FURIOUS 7》有獎問答遊戲送首映門票

2) Subscribe "訂閱" 本台 Youtube 頻道:

參加者及1位朋友訂閱(subscribe) FM94.7 的 Youtube 頻道 Participant and 1 other friend can all subscribe to FM94.7 Youtube channel: 


用個人 gmail 電郵連結到本台的視頻 Please use your gmail to subscribe to our channel.

用個人 gmail 電郵連結到本台的視頻 Please use your gmail to subscribe to our channel.

[網上遊戲] Movie 請你看好戲《FURIOUS 7》有獎問答遊戲送首映門票


當您連絡到本台的視頻後,就會顯示"已訂閱" After you have subscribed to the channel, the icon will become "subscribed.

訂閱後將會帶您回到Youtube 主頁,請按一下右上角的圓形圖像,就會看到個人的電郵地址,再按一下 Youtube設定。

After you have subscribed to the channel, it will bring you to Youtube's mainpage. Go to upper right corner and click on the profile icon, then click on

訂閱後將會帶您回到Youtube 主頁,請按一下右上角的圓形圖像,就會看到個人的電郵地址,再按一下 Youtube設定。

After you have subscribed to the channel, it will bring you to Youtube's mainpage. Go to upper right corner and click on the profile icon, then click on "Youtube Settings" icon.

在Youtube 設定內,請按左面的

在Youtube 設定內,請按左面的"私隱權" Please click "Privacy" on the left column.


在這個版面內的"喜歡及訂閱的項目" 下有兩個已選項目,請將兩個剔號移除,再按"儲存"。Please un-check the two items under "Likes and Subscriptions" section, then click "save".

(1)的答案和(2)的 subscription 名單,電郵至games@fm947.com(註:參加者必須用subscription名單上其中一個電郵地址去寄出這個email。)

合資格而又答中問題的朋友將有機會參加大抽獎,贏取一套兩張的《FURIOUS 7》4 月 1 日優先場入場券 ,遊戲截止日期 3 月 27 日。

Please email the answer from (1) and subscription list from (2) to games@fm947.com no later than March 27! (Note: Participant should email these information only with one of the 4 gmail email addresses as subscribed to our channel in order to be verified.)

FURIOUS 7 Advance Screening

Date: April 1st (Wednesday) 

Time: 7pm

Venue: Landmark Cinemas 16 Country Hills (300-388 Country Hills Blvd. N.E. Calgary, AB T3K 5A6)