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亞省北部火災捐款 紅十字會支票轉贈儀式

2016-06-01 (星期三)

2016-06-01 (星期三)

昨日是加拿大紅十字會為亞省北部火災捐款接收聯邦政府一對一款項最後一,本台陳家燕親自將上週舉辦的『Fort Mac 520 聲舞慈善晚會』所籌得的一萬多元帶到卡市的紅十字會辦公室,並進行了簡單的支票轉贈儀式。到目前為止紅十字會已籌得過億款項,而聯邦政府亦會作一對一捐款。加拿大中文電台 FM94.7 非常感謝每一位出錢出力的人士,不論是熱心聽眾或是令這個活動付出時間的義工及所有表演嘉賓和同事,大家眾志成城的捐贈必定能為災民舒災解困。

Fairchild Radio FM94.7 Station Manager Terry Chan went to Canadian Red Cross Calgary branch office yesterday afternoon to hand over a donation cheque to Canadian Red Cross relief campaign for Fort McMurray. Terry presented a donation cheque of elevan thousand eight-hundred dollars that was collected in "Fort Mac 520 Fundraising Night" to the Red Cross staffs. As of the current date, this relief campaign has raised over $102 million, and the Federal Government will match the funds raised by Red Cross before May 31. Fairchild Radio FM94.7 would like to thank each and every one who has donated their support and money to help those in need in Fort McMurray wildfire.


若想重溫『Fort Mac 520 聲舞慈善晚會』當晚的精彩照片,請到本台照片冊瀏覽。Please click here to access photo album for "Fort Mac 520 Fundraising Night" photos and more.