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加拿大國慶節目表 Canada Day Events 2016

2016-06-30 (星期四)

2016-06-30 (星期四)


July 1, 2016 is Canada's 149th birthday, and the City of Calgary has planned numerous events and activities across the city, expecting 250 000 people throughout the day. Here is a brief outline of the locations of where the celebrations will take place, please plan accordingly as there will be changes to public transit and parking in downtown core:

加拿大國慶節目表 Canada Day Events 2016加拿大國慶節目表 Canada Day Events 2016

加拿大國慶節目表 Canada Day Events 2016

Fort Calgary

9am 免費班戟早餐  

10am 開幕表演

10:45am 醒獅及國旗大合照


Prince's Island Park 10am - 6pm 原住民祈禱儀式 Powwow Dance 和軍隊展覽
Olympic Plaza 10am - 9pm 市集式活動,餐車和音樂表演
Eau Claire Market 11am - 9pm 現場音樂表演和餐車
Chinatown 9am - 11pm 多元文化表演
East Village 9am - 4pm 街頭市集,兒童活動,古董車展覽,新建國家音樂中心開放
Riverfront Avenue

12pm - 11pm 不同活動單位及餐車,法式音樂及食物

7pm 官方國慶音樂會

Fireworks 11pm @ 中央街橋