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2016-07-15 (星期五)

2016-07-15 (星期五)

卡市西北 Panorama 的雙重兇殺案近日備受關注,各界對此事紛紛輿論。加拿大中文電台FM94.7 特別編譯報導專頁,將連日來所有來自本台的有關新聞集結,方便聽眾跟進最新動態。

The duo homicide tragedy in Calgary's northwest community of Panorama has been the center of attention of all news media in the past week across the country. Therefore, Fairchild Radio Calgary FM94.7 is now compiling all related news articles to a feature story page for audiences to follow closely for more updates.


西北發生一宗兇案暨兒童拐帶案件 (07/12)

西北命案暫無跡象顯示失蹤女童離開卡加利 (07/12)

安珀警告繼續尋找五歲女童下落 (07/13)

被綁架女童的爸爸懇求女童公眾提供消息 (07/13)

五歲女童失蹤案突破性發展 警方拘捕男子 (07/14)

警方昨晚於卡加利以東拘捕一名男子 (07/14)

5歲失蹤女童屍體昨晚被發現 (07/15)

市民計劃明晚舉行悼念雙屍命案死者燭光晚會 (07/15)

警方落案控告46歲男子兩項一級謀殺 (07/15)

民間自發燭火晚會悼念雙重兇殺案死者 (07/18)

西北雙重兇殺案 死者星期四出殯 (07/18)

西北區雙重兇殺案疑犯曾因藏械及販毒入獄 (07/19)

被控殺害兩母女的被告今日提堂 (07/20)

雙重兇殺案疑犯昨日過堂 透過視像會議出現 (07/21)

中央街教堂今日為雙重兇殺案死者舉行悼念儀式 (07/21)

Funding announcement for the southwest portion of Calgary Ring...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Rachel Notley join Mayor Naheed Nenshi and Tsuut’ina Chief Roy Whitney at City Hall to announce $582.9 million in funding for the construction of the southwest portion of the Calgary Ring Road. They also offer their condolences to the family of Taliyah Marsman and Sara Baillie as well as those affected by the tragic events in Nice, France.

Posted by City of Calgary – Your Local Government on Friday, July 15, 2016