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Movie 請你看好戲《BORN IN CHINA》
2017-04-12 (星期三)

2017-04-12 (星期三)
加拿大中文電台送出《BORN IN CHINA》的雙人優先場電影入場券!留意 FM94.7 全線節目了解更多遊戲詳情。
Listen to FM94.7 for your chance to WIN a double pass to an advance screening of "BORN IN CHINA"!
Date: April 19, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: Scotiabank Theatre Chinook CALGARY
遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 403-717-1947
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Disneynature’s “Born in China” ventures into the wilds of China, capturing intimate moments with three animal families: a doting panda bear mother who’s guiding her growing baby as she begins to explore, a two-year-old golden snub-nosed monkey who feels displaced by his baby sister, and a mother snow leopard who faces the very real drama of raising her two cubs.
Featuring stunning, never-before-seen imagery, the film navigates China’s vast terrain—from the frigid mountains to the heart of the bamboo forest—on the wings of red-crowned cranes, seamlessly tying the extraordinary tales together. The film is narrated by John Krasinski and is an adventure the whole family can enjoy together!
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