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2017-04-21 (星期五)

2017-04-21 (星期五)

留意電台節目贏取 《UNFORGETTABLE》 一套雙人入場券。門票在電影公映期間均可使用。Listen to FM94.7 for your chance to WIN double pass to see 《UNFORGETTABLE》 in theatres!

遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 403-717-1947


Tessa Connover (Katherine Heigl) is barely coping with the end of her marriage when her ex-husband, David (Geoff Stults), becomes happily engaged to Julia Banks (Rosario Dawson)—not only bringing Julia into the home they once shared but also into the life of their daughter, Lilly (Isabella Rice). Trying to settle into her new role as a wife and a stepmother, Julia believes she has finally met the man of her dreams, the man who can help her put her own troubled past behind her. But Tessa’s jealousy soon takes a pathological turn until she will stop at nothing to turn Julia’s dream into her ultimate nightmare.

In theatres April 21.

即將在 4 月 21 日於加拿大上映的電影《難以忘懷 Unforgettable》也有一個令人不寒而慄的壞女人。故事講述由 Katherine Heigl 飾演的女主角和丈夫離婚後,不能接受前夫遇到情投意合的新伴侶(Rosario Dawson),覺得這個女人搶去了原屬於自己的幸福,於是展開連串報復。