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Movie 請你看好戲《How To Train Your Dragon 2》

2014-06-03 (星期二)

2014-06-03 (星期二)

加拿大中文電台將會送出十套《How to Train Your Dragon 2》優先場門票!由現在開始,留意全線直播節目,你就有機會得到一套 四張的首映禮門票!不要錯過啦!

Stay tuned to FM94.7 live shows and you will have a chance to win a set of 4 tickets to see the premiere show of "How to Train Your Dragon 2"!

遊戲熱線 Game Hotline : 403-717-1947


Hiccup and Toothless discover a secret ice cave during one of their adventures that nests hundreds of new wild dragons and a Dragon Rider. How do they unite their powers to change the future of both men and dragons?