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Movie 請你看好戲《Edge Of Tomorrow》

2014-06-12 (星期四)

2014-06-12 (星期四)



今次 FM94.7 "請你睇好戲" 將會送出由 Tom Cruise Emily Blunt 主演的科幻驚慄片Edge Of Tomorrow。只要留意 FM94.7 全線直播節目,打 403-717-1947 玩問答遊戲,你就可免費觀賞!

The movie tickets giveaway for this time is the new science-fiction thriller casted by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, 《Edge Of Tomorrow. If you want a chance to win free tickets to this movie, make sure to listen to all of the live shows on FM94.7 and call 403-717-1947!

Movie 請你看好戲《Edge Of Tomorrow》