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『Fort Mac 520 聲舞慈善晚會』反應熱烈做善事!

2016-05-20 (星期五)

2016-05-20 (星期五)

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『Fort Mac 520 聲舞慈善晚會』反應熱烈,超過200名熱心市民到來參與及支持,本台DJ及多位本地華裔社群的歌手及武術家出力表演,為亞省北部山林大受影響的災民籌款,渡過一個非常開心及有意義的晚上!加拿大中文電台FM94.7非常感謝每一位出錢出力的人士,不論是熱心聽眾或是令這個活動付出時間的義工及所有表演嘉賓和同事,大家眾志成城的捐贈必定能為災民舒災解困。所有支票及現金經點算後,善款總額為 CAD $11 800.00活動所籌得的所有款項將全數撥捐加拿大紅十字會!

Fort Mac 520 Fundraising Night was a tremendous success with over 200 guests and participants! Fairchild Radio Calgary FM94.7 would like to thank each and everyone who has donated their time, effort and money in the event to support those in need in the Fort McMurray Wildfire in Northern Alberta. The total cash and cheques count is confirmed to be CAD $11 800.00!  All donations will go towards Canadian Red Cross for the wildfire relief!

另外,更多謝以下人士及商戶鼎力支持及捐贈,晚會得以順利完成。場地贊助:Kerby Centre 燈光音響:Thomas / Herbert 海報:永恆印刷 義工膳食:富豪酒家 晚會小食:Co-Op (Symons Valley) 飲品:Amy & Liza 義賣擺設:AnneMarie, Joanna 攝影:Queenie 及所有台前幕後義工朋友 表演嘉賓: 亞卡,Danny,亞拔,高達,莫凡,秋天+Alan@Pursue,及 City of Calgary 第4區市議員朱文祥先生抽空出席,令晚會生色不少!