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Stampede 『牛仔節巡遊』 精華重温

2017-07-07 (星期五)

2017-07-07 (星期五)

今日早上有沒有聽眾到卡加利市中心看『牛仔節巡遊』呢?加拿大中文電台 FM947 三位牛仔探子阿靖Crystal 聯同 Kenny 一早到巡遊現場直擊報導熱鬧盛況和送出多份禮物,大家的熱烈興奮程度爆燈,有不少市民看完 Parade 便直接入 Stampede Ground,玩足一日呀!

If you have missed the Stampede Parade this morning, here are some of the highlights for you.  Listen to Fairchild Radio FM94.7 for more coverage of this year's greatest outdoor show on earth!