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2017-07-14 (星期五)

2017-07-14 (星期五)

恭喜 Jason Allen 兩位聽眾在本台 FM94.7 早前舉行的「最愛加拿大150全國票選網上遊戲」中從眾多的參賽者中被抽中,各人能羸取150元現金獎。在此多謝卡加利聽眾湧躍參與,在遊戲當中以輕鬆形式使大家認識更多有關加國傑出的人和事。

Fairchild Radio's "The Best of Canada 150 Voting" wrapped up in June, and the results were outstanding! Hundreds of audiences participated the web poll for a chance to win $150 cash prizes While learning a little bit more about Canada during its 150th birthday, FM94.7 have also picked two participants from a random draw to receive the cash prizes, congratulations to Jason and Allen, and once again, we appreciate everyone's participation!
