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Movie 請你看好戲《THE BOSS BABY》

2017-03-17 (星期五)

2017-03-17 (星期五)

留意電台節目贏取以下一套張優先場電影門票 Listen to FM94.7 for your chance to win a set of four advance screening passes to see the movie《THE BOSS BABY》.

Date: March 25, 2017 (Saturday)

Time: 10:00am

Venue: Scotiabank Theatre Chinook

遊戲熱線 Game Hotline: 403-717-1947


DreamWorks Animation and the director of Madagascar invite you to meet a most unusual baby. He wears a suit, speaks with the voice and wit of Alec Baldwin, and stars in the animated comedy, DreamWorks' The Boss Baby. The Boss Baby is a hilariously universal story about how a new baby's arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator, a wildly imaginative 7 year old named Tim. With a sly, heart-filled message about the importance of family, DreamWorks' The Boss Baby is an authentic and broadly appealing original comedy for all ages.

"THE BOSS BABY" opens in theatres March 31, 2017.

Official website: www.dreamworks.com/thebossbaby