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2017-03-15 (星期三)

2017-03-15 (星期三)



The 2017 Immigrants of Distinction Awards gala was held last Friday, March 10 at downtown Calgary. As a proud media sponsor of this event, Fairchild Radio FM94.7’s station manager Terry Chan and reporter Phyllis Ho attended to witness the announcement of the recipients of all of the eight awards. The evening was full of multicultural entertainment and significant guests such as provincial and federal ministers, Governor of Alberta and Mayor of the City of Calgary.





當晚嘉賓陣容頂盛,表演節目更是多元化,非常切合主辦單位和活動宗旨。典禮晚宴由卡加利多元文化交響樂團日式太鼓樂隊演奏揭開序幕,中段亦有莫凡太極武術傳播中心的表演。晚宴由兩位主持介紹並邀請多位嘉賓致詞,包括卡加利移民服務中心委員會會長 Paul Avender 和機構總裁 Krystyna Biel、亞省省督 Lois Mitchell、市長南施、省人力服務廳廳長  Irfan Sabir 和聯邦退伍軍人事務部部長及國防副部長 Kent Hehr

卡加利移民服務中心委員會會長 Paul Avender

卡加利移民服務中心委員會會長 Paul Avender
機構總裁 Krystyna Biel

機構總裁 Krystyna Biel

亞省省督 Lois Mitchell

亞省省督 Lois Mitchell


亞省人力服務廳廳長  Irfan Sabir

亞省人力服務廳廳長 Irfan Sabir
聯邦退伍軍人事務部部長及國防副部長 Kent Hehr

聯邦退伍軍人事務部部長及國防副部長 Kent Hehr


Arts and Culture – Elena Bushan

Arts and Culture – Elena Bushan
Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Dr. Anmol S. Kapoor

Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Dr. Anmol S. Kapoor

Community Service – Dahlia ElShafie-Mostafa

Community Service – Dahlia ElShafie-Mostafa
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – Dr. Wael Badawy

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – Dr. Wael Badawy

Achievement Under 35 – Dr. Anupam Das

Achievement Under 35 – Dr. Anupam Das
Organizational Diversity – Genesis Centre

Organizational Diversity – Genesis Centre

Lifetime Achievement – Dr. Richard Guy

Lifetime Achievement – Dr. Richard Guy
Youth Scholarship – (左起) Zeel Patel, Ayush Ghosh, Jeremy Fan, Nicole Mfoafo – M’Carthy, Janica Altea L. Echavez

Youth Scholarship – (左起) Zeel Patel, Ayush Ghosh, Jeremy Fan, Nicole Mfoafo – M’Carthy, Janica Altea L. Echavez


Arts and Culture – Elena Bushan

Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Dr. Anmol S. Kapoor

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math – Dr. Wael Badawy

Community Service – Dahlia ElShafie-Mostafa

Achievement Under 35 – Dr. Anupam Das

Organizational Diversity – Genesis Centre

Lifetime Achievement – Dr. Richard Guy

Youth Scholarship – Ayush Ghosh, Janica Altea L. Echavez, Jeremy Fan, Nicole Mfoafo – M’Carthy, Zeel Patel.

被提名藝術與文化組別的畫家 Janey Luc-German  (右)  及陳家燕 (左)

被提名藝術與文化組別的畫家 Janey Luc-German (右) 及陳家燕 (左)
卡加利移民服務中心理事會成員及傑出移民獎頒獎典禮晚宴的籌劃主席 Josephine Pon 盤世寶(右二)及陳家燕 (左)

卡加利移民服務中心理事會成員及傑出移民獎頒獎典禮晚宴的籌劃主席 Josephine Pon 盤世寶(右二)及陳家燕 (左)
獲提名企業及創意獎 Wilson Wong 及陳家燕 (左)

獲提名企業及創意獎 Wilson Wong 及陳家燕 (左)

(右) 活動 Communication Coordinator - Maria Sol. Freire

(右) 活動 Communication Coordinator - Maria Sol. Freire